! For all you shaggers who are tired of jacking off to the same type of sex videos with different pornstars in different positions, here comes Desi Tales. This is a website for the people who love their imagination more than the graphical representation itself and jerk off to mere words of the language. Don’t think that you need to have the knowledge of a perfect language because there are a lot of other perverts who prefer improper use of language and get turned on by it. So, where do they go? Here.
Here are the stories shared by real people with videos and screenshots in a very few of them but yes, there are a few videos and images too. This has Desi stories which include incest sex stories written in English and Hinglish. There is a use of a lot of whatchamacallit “things” that we cannot see in videos. If you know what I mean(wink wink). Mainly targeted for a reading audience than a viewing one. It gets as perverted as you can get since there is no censorship for a lot of “things” that cannot be depicted by even pornstars.
If you do not think reading turns you on or can turn you on, give this site a try and it might change your opinion about it.
The design of the website is minimalistic and has a very friendly UI. You do not need to go through a lot of hoops to find what you are looking for.
Don’t know what you are looking for? They still got you covered since the Homepage sets the tone of what you can expect in the following pages too. Consistency in the layout, structure, content, images, and videos in the pages makes the website perform faster which is why you will not have any problem even on a low-end device. Also, the fact that it is a word-intensive website than a pictorial one makes it perform much smoother even if you have a spotty internet connection.
Overall, not the best design but it still works flawlessly.
Not the best of content when it comes to writing but a lot of content for the people who only want to read and have a quick shag. If you are the type of person who can wank off to your imagination with minimal effort, this site will be your go-to for your stress to be relieved. You will never get tired of the desi kahanis on this website.
The categories or subpages are classified as Hindi Sex Stories and Popular Stories with links to Savita Bhabhi and Indian Sex Cams. The stories, as they are hosted on the home site, are completely free. To get your dose of Indian sex stories, here is where you need to look.
On the mobile version, you only need to lower your eyes down and since they have access to your camera, they will scroll the page for you while you are letting one out. Naah, I’m joking. This does not happen but see, you read it till here. This is what words can make you do. Exhibit A. Joking again. Not that I was trying to make you do “certain things” but you get what I mean.
Also, they take security seriously and it is a trusted site. They do not have access to your camera, just so that we are clear.
For you reading-wankers, this is a great option to get the best sex stories. Not a lot of provocative images on the site so if you have a conservative household and need to hold back on the viewing of porn but still want to get busy with reading porn, get your quota of Indian incest sex stories on Don’t let your folks ruin your shag-life. You deserve to find the best sex stories to read if and whenever you feel like.
It is your “girth right”.